welcome to outer space!
hello there! thanks for stopping by!
if you're reading this, then you've stumbled into the most accurate representation of what the inside of my head looks like! this website serves no real function aside from my own nefarious purposes, such as creative expression and info-dumping to the great expanse of web-space.
here, you'll find lots of things! currently, you're floating around in the home page! there are plenty of helpful links here to guide your stay, including an about me, any collections that don't fit on one of the other planets, a site map, and an escape pod back out into the solar system.
i hope you enjoy your stay here!
this is a HUGE work in progress, so please bear with me as i add the remaining pages! thank you!
heads up
this website is coded, tested, and built on pc. i have no idea how it looks on mobile nor, frankly, do i care. smart phones are the bane of my existence and therefore if you want to use this site on a smart phone, this site shall be the bane of your existence!
however, if you have any issues regarding the accessibility of this page, please do let me know, and i will do my best to fix it. while i am purposefully prejudiced against smart phones, i would still like this site to remain comfortable and useable however your needs see fit. i am more than happy to make an accommodation if it means your stay here is easygoing.